I'm always looking for innovative and constructive ways to keep our children interested in learning. Upon realizing just how much my daughter knows about the computer, I decided to use that to her advantage. Beginning in January, you will hear, from the hands of the child, just what she is learning in her homeschooling and in life. Our daughter is a very vocal young lady and likes to share her theories and thoughts on life. We want to nurture that part of her so this blog will be a way for her to have her voice heard. It will also serve as a means to teach and gauge her writing skills, her typing skills, her language skills, her communication skills, and other aspects of language arts.
I guarantee you will be entertained and even be amazed at the where the mind of a seven year old can go. Please encourage her with kind words but do not patronize her. Be as honest with her as you would anyone else.
And stay tuned...this should be interesting.:)
Mama Sphinx
PS...visit us at our new home www.hawkinsacademy.com for more of what Miss Sphinx Says...